Voices prepares for big Ignite fundraiser on Oct. 7
Jane Scholz | Published on 9/13/2023
Voices prepares for big Ignite fundraiser on Oct. 7

Young women of Ignite at a recent conference.
By Jane Scholz
This year, Voices will hold its annual fundraiser to help young women move into leadership positions in government and business on October 7, from 10-11:30 am, at the home of Jane Thompson, 8813 Grandview Drive.
It’s our 2023 Back to Basics for Ignite Fundraiser. Please register here, but no fee is required to attend this informative event with light refreshments.
At the event, you’ll learn more about Ignite, which is the largest and most diverse young women’s political leadership organization in the country helping young women reimagine political power and challenge the status quo. You’ll also have a chance to talk to some young Texas woman who are part of the effort.
“IGNITE channels young women’s passion into leadership as candidates, policymakers, commissioners, campaign operatives, and community organizers. With the help of our community we make sure the next generation of women have the opportunities and know-how to lead now and well into the future,” says Ignite CEO Sara Guillermo.
In the past year, through the Young Women Run conference series, IGNITE convened politically ambitious young women to build the skills and networks they need to step into power. Over 350 women attended these events in Dallas, New York, and Washington, D.C.
Voices members will support scholarships to send Texas women to this training at this fundraiser. You can do that with a credit card or check the day of the event.
If you can’t attend,
• Drop off your check made out to Ignite with “Voices United contribution to North TX Scholarship” in the memo line at Jane Thompson’s home before the event or
• Donate online here and designate your contribution as “Voices United contribution to North TX Scholarship.”
Ignite is a 501(c) 3 organization and all donations are tax deductible.