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Voices Hears from Lovepacs School Volunteers

Dianne Malone | Published on 8/7/2023

Voices Meets Lovepacs School Volunteers

By Dianne Malone

At the August meeting of Voices United, Nicole Fuller, Becca Burris and Sarah Trachsel introduced our members to Lovepacs Denton, a 501c3 organization dedicated to ensuring that no child in the Denton Independent School District goes hungry during long weekends and holiday breaks from school. 


A Lovepac is a package of food given to students who might otherwise not have enough food to eat during school holidays.  Each pack consists of two meals and a snack for each day that school is not in session. 


Lovepacs Denton began in 2018 serving two Denton ISD schools and 65 students. Just five years later, Lovepacs Denton provides Lovepacs to almost all  DISD schools.  This past school year, an average of 815 students a month benefited from their work.


The group works with school counselors to identify students who need their services.  Lovepacs are delivered to the schools for distribution to the students.

Lovepacs also provides granola bars and other snacks to the schools for students who exhibit signs of hunger during the school day.

Lovepacs Volunteers 2023
Lovepacs Denton volunteers Nicole Fuller, Becca Burris and Sarah Trachsel with donated food items.

Lovepacs Denton depends on the generosity of the people of Denton.  They receive donations of food from individuals and from the North Texas Food Bank.  And of course, they accept cash donations.  Every month approximately 100 volunteers work to make this project a success.

The members of Voices United who were in attendance were impressed and inspired by these hard-working women.   Learn more about the 501c3 group at