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Voices members scavenge for fun and gift cards

Jane Scholz | Published on 10/27/2020


Left:  Winning Biden Blues team -- Donna Deboever, Jane Scholz, Carole Springer, Renee Smith.  Center:  Celebrating at the end of the event, including the planners Nanci Odom, Susan Engstrom, Karen Donohue and Nancy Wendt. Right:  Halloween attire.

By Jane Scholz

Voices United members criss-crossed Robson Ranch on Saturday afternoon in their golf carts, having fun and making friends in the group's first outdoor socially distanced scavenger hunt.

About 30 women participated.  The hunt, organized by Nanci Odom, Karen Donohue, Susan Engstrom and Nancy Wendt, lasted about two hours, including a short BYO wine and snacks party at the end.

Contestants were put in six teams of four members each.  The organizers handed out 12 envelopes to each team, each containing a clue to a location in Robson Ranch.  Once at the location, contestants opened a second envelope inside the first to find out what to do at the location, recorded the information asked for, and opened the envelope for the next location.

The clues were very clever.  You had to read carefully and pay attention to spelling and grammar:  Visitors can run and make it safely Home.  Is it the dog park or the baseball field?  The caps were the biggest hint:  the baseball field!

The winners were the first time to hand in the most complete list of correct answers.  The Biden Blues foursome of Donna Deboever, Renee Smith, Carol Rogers and Jane Scholz were the winners.  Each team member got an Amazon $25 gift certificate.