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Voices United members look out for each other

Jane Scholz | Published on 1/18/2021

Voices members look out for each other amid Covid peak

Caring Deb Williams

Voices United Caring Committee co-chairs Janie Cindric (left) and Deb Williams (right).

By Jane Scholz

Like many seniors, Voices United members at Robson Ranch have been social distancing at home for 11 months, suffering the same sense of isolation that Covid has forced on so many.


As Covid reached its second peak in Texas, the Voices Caring Committee mobilized for the second time in January to check in with Voices members by phone to spread some cheer and find out if people need medical or social support.


Voices United is a local non-profit organized by progressive women who live at Robson Ranch.


Committee co-chairs Deb Williams and Janie Cindric lead the Caring Committee again in 2021.


The committee is “a group of people who want to make sure that our members, if there’s any issue where they may need help, that they can turn to us to help them, whether it may be taking them to their doctor, picking up groceries for them, or if they’ve just come out of the hospital and may need help with meals,” said Williams.


The committee dates to Voices first year, 2017, when, in the group’s early meetings, the suggestion was made that “we should be looking out for each other,” Cindric said.  


The committee always balances members’ desire for privacy with its goal to provide group support.  Sometimes a member will tell a committee member that she (or her spouse) is having a health problem but ask that it be kept quiet.  In that case, the committee member usually just checks in again with the member personally and doesn’t share the information, Williams said.


In other cases, the committee has spread the word that someone needs help.  In those cases, other Voices members have pitched in to deliver meals, send cards or help with transportation to local doctor visits.


“The most important thing is that members let us know when they need support,” Cindric said.


You can see the full 17-minute interview here.


Membership is open to Robson residents.  For membership information, email