By Jane Scholz
Denton County is blessed with a secure voting system and staffed with election workers who take their responsibilities seriously, a longtime local election judge told Voices members at their August meeting.
Christie Wood, who operated a glass studio and shop for many years in Denton, has been an election worker for nearly 10 years. She's served as an election judge in many local elections.
Wood outlined the physical system that Denton County Elections uses to keep track of registered voters, record and count votes to Voices members. She explained in detail how the system works.
"Election judges -- whether they are Republicans or Democrats -- take their jobs very seriously," she said. "We want to make sure that voters get in, cast their votes and leave our polling locations easily and quickly."
She described how she and other judges have dealt with voters and others who threatened to cause trouble at polling locations. "Usually having a calm talk with them works, but we can call the police if there's trouble," she said.
October 7 is the last day to register to vote in the general election this fall. Early voting runs from October 21 to November 1. Election Day is November 5.