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The Voices vigil: a time to reflect and remember

Vicki Baker | Published on 5/23/2024

Vigil 2024

The Voices lighted vigil: a time to gather, reflect, and advocate for change

By Vicki Baker

A peaceful vigil featuring inspiring words and music brought us together on the fourth anniversary of George Floyd’s tragic death.  Organized by Voices United, it was a solemn, yet hopeful, event as 25 advocates for change from the Robson Ranch community gathered to remember and reflect. 


As the vigil unfolded, a feeling of togetherness and strength was echoed by those in attendance.  The powerful and poignant songs “Say His Name” and “How Many Times” expressed the impact Floyd’s death had on us individually and on the world.  To recognize their lives and raise awareness, we recited the names of Floyd and others who lost their lives during law enforcement encounters. 


As we gathered in silence shoulder to shoulder, we lighted the night sky with flashlights to  offer a symbol of hope in the darkness.  Our silent reflection lasted 9 minutes, 29 seconds, the time Floyd struggled to breathe before losing his life while under police restraint.


On this single night, we were upstanders inspiring people to rise to the occasion.  To reflect.  To find strength in the power of community. To build racial equity.  To plan for a brighter future.  We can make a difference when we commit to individual action and collective effort in giving everyone an opportunity to live with dignity and respect.